On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 at 16:58, Malgosia Askanas via talk <talk@gtalug.org>

> So let me understand this.  If a woman (me, for example) would bemoan the
> fact that 80% of participants in a certain field of endeavor are male,
> that's not gender discrimination, right?  (I assume it isn't, since it goes
> on all the time in all kinds of media, without any visible censorship.)
> But if a man bemoans the fact that 80% of participants in (another) field
> of endeavor are female, that's gender discrimination?  To my mind, labeling
> the latter as "gender discrimination seems like... gender discrimination.
> Or is it that, by definition, censoring a man cannot possibly be gender
> discrimination?

Isn't 2019 soooo much fun...

Same thing happens with race. Caucasians can't bemoan anything...

Dave Cramer
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