Good afternoon.  I have added a new machine to my Tarsnap account and I started 
its first backup this week.  It was a big backup for me, because it was my 
entire NAS minus virtual machines and easily downloadable public files. My plan 
is to centralized backups to my NAS, then backup the NAS.

I ran into a problem after I ran out of funds in my account, and the backup 
stopped.  I find no .part file with which a backup can resume.  As it had been 
baking up for 3-4 days at the time, I’d like to avoid starting over, and of 
course I’d like for the bandwidth charges not to be a loss.  No one has 
physical access to the machine, and I find no evidence of tampering.

Did I lose my backup in progress, or can I continue the backup and know that 
the first archive will appear without having to re-upload all the files?

On 8/28/2018, going by the times from the Accounts -> Manage Account -> Recent 
Activity Summary at, I started backing up my NAS using 
a FreeBSD BHYVE machine on a FreeBSD host.  The FreeBSD BHYVE, let’s call it 
the "backup server” is pulling archives from /mnt/DiskStation under which there 
are folders, one per remote share mounted by CIFS.  

I have lost my command history, but the command was probably something like the 
following running as a non privileged user.  The machine is dedicated to only 
backing up the NAS in various ways, so having an unprivileged user for this 
task seems reasonable.  The non-priv user is ‘justin'

tarsnap -c -f 20180828-mnt-DiskStation /mnt/DiskStation

Here is my .tarsnaprc with all lines included and only comments corresponding 
to uncommitted lines stripped out:

# Tarsnap cache directory
cachedir /home/justin/tarsnap-cache

# Tarsnap key file
keyfile /home/justin/tarsnap.DiskStation.key

# Don't archive files which have the nodump flag set.

# Print statistics when creating or deleting archives.

# Create a checkpoint once per GB of uploaded data.
checkpoint-bytes 1G

### Commonly useful options

# Use SI prefixes to make numbers printed by --print-stats more readable.

# Include only files and directories matching specified patterns.
# Only one file or directory per command; multiple "include"
# commands may be given.
include /mnt/DiskStation

Tarsnap was installed from pkg:

$ echo $PATH
$ pkg which /usr/local/bin/tarsnap                                              
/usr/local/bin/tarsnap was installed by package tarsnap-1.0.39
$ uname -a
FreeBSD fluffy 11.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE #0 r321309: Fri Jul 21 
02:08:28 UTC 2017 
$ df -h 
Filesystem                        Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/vtbd0p2                      9.0G    3.5G    4.8G    42%    /
devfs                             1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
//ADMIN@DISKSTATION/TESTFOLDER     11T    2.3T    8.5T    21%    
//ADMIN@DISKSTATION/MUSIC          11T    2.3T    8.5T    21%    
//ADMIN@DISKSTATION/SCANNERS       11T    2.3T    8.5T    21%    

The folders mounted do not consume 2.3T.  It is closer to 300GB.

The backup continued for 3-4 days, at which time, having exhausted my funds in 
the account and then some.  The Tarsnap client stopped adding to the first 
archive for this NAS as documented in 
<> .

The account had just under -7 dollars.  

Today, I added 100 to the account so that the balance would be over 92 dollars. 
 The last daily storage charge was for 184245293378 bytes (just under 184 GB) 
of storage.  Based on my .tarsnaprc file which has "checkpoint-bytes 1G” 
defined, I would expect to find a .part file totaling 183GB.  However, I don’t 
find anything when I run the following command:

$ pwd
$ id
uid=1001(justin) gid=1001(justin) groups=1001(justin),0(wheel)
$ tarsnap -vv --list-archives

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