On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Stian Soiland-Reyes
<soiland-re...@cs.manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
> We got a question if Taverna's LGPL license allows it to be used
> commercially. The short answer is "Yes", but I've written some details
> here:
>  http://www.mygrid.org.uk/dev/wiki/display/tav/Licensing
> Note that this is just a layman developer's interpretation. Please
> reply to this thread for any corrections!

I recently had a discussion about the LGPL license with commercial entities...

They found it more difficult to fulfill the requirements posed by the
license for being able to replace the LGPL part with other versions,
which formally requires a build system for integration with their
tools, etc. This part is more unclear, and I think the concensus often
is that refering to upstream version of that LGPL part is enough, but
their legal department was not convinced about that.

So, as you say, the answer is 'Yes', but practically it is a slight
bit more complicated...

It is good to formalize what the Taverna project requires and how it
interprets these build requirements, and remove that uncertainty...
(not having read that wiki page yet)


Post-doc @ Uppsala University
Proteochemometrics / Bioclipse Group of Prof. Jarl Wikberg
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