On Tuesday, November 28, 2006, Milan Davidovic wrote: 
> "Looking for a place to discuss your technical communication issues,
> ask questions, and build a network of contacts in the industry? You've
> found it!"
> (http://techcommpros.com/mailman/listinfo/tcp_techcommpros.com) 
That's the one thing you miss with a Wiki -- interaction. It's certainly 
not a forum for discussion, generating contacts, or developing a 
sense of "community".  

It has great potential as a knowledge base (we all use the very 
successful Wikipedia). However, we tried a wiki here internally, as a 
repository for information about our new communications protocol 
for our dataloggers. It hasn't been very successful. I'm not certain 
why. Unfamiliarity with the technology? The fact that it takes time to 
compose a (well thought out) Wiki entry? 

If it could be used purely as a knowledge base, I think it has some 
merit for the TCP group. For instance, if a person asks a question 
and gets a lot of good info back from the group, I could see that 
person then summarizing the info and posting it on the Wiki. 
However, trying to discuss ideas via a wiki would be difficult (IMO). 

2 cents :)

Dana W.


Dana Worley
Software Product Manager/Manager, Software Support Group
Campbell Scientific, Inc. 
Microsoft MVP, Windows Help


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