On Thursday, February 22, 2007, Bonnie Granat wrote: 
> I think it's necessary to implant quality at the top (how do you do that
> in a professional society? 

Disclaimer:  I am not a member of the STC

You *have* quality at the top 
(http://www.stc.org/about/board/board01.asp), and, as an STC 
member, you elected these people. Two of the people on the board 
I know professionally -- Paula Berger and Char James-Tanny. Both 
are hard-working professionals committed to the field of technical 
writing. Both not only have roles in the STC, but they also speak at 
conferences, help out in forums, and run businesses (and I think 
they have lives, as well :). I suspect these same things can be said 
for the other board members. 

All organizations have their warts. The people who keep these   
organizations going should be commended for the things they do 
well. I personally volunteer for a couple of non-TW organizations. I 
know what a time commitment it is and also what a thankless job it 
can be at times. 

Quality is instilled by the people involved -- by ALL people involved. 
While there is this STC "umbrella organization", the real benefits 
come from the local chapters. And you get out of the local chapter 
what you put in to it. How has your personal STC experience 
suffered because of typos on their web site or in their printed 
matter? (other than that irritating tic that we all get when reading 
something that has a typo, is grammatically incorrect, or which we 
feel is not well-written? :)  

Sometimes you have to look beyond the warts and appreciate the 
value that is there. 

Dana W.

Dana Worley
Software Product Manager/Manager, Software Support Group
Campbell Scientific, Inc. 
Microsoft MVP, Windows Help


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