Familiar situation. I'd do a few test pages and see which one looked the least offensive. :-) Remembering the users and what they want/need out of the publication, if it's most important for them to be able to find part names quickly, my choice might be the sans serif part names amid serif text. Too many initial caps is just harder to read I think. San serif is less intrusive, but still stands out. If you only have 1 or 2 part names on a page, any option that suits users would work. However, I've worked on manuals where custom names ended up being so common on the page that it was just the proverbial dog's breakfast. Nothing stood out because everything stood out! UGH. Italics or underlining actually may not be too bad -- but print it out to see.

Maybe some market research is needed. How exactly do the intended users work with the publication? Do they look up procedures and make note of required parts? Would they look up parts in an index or other type of reference page? Ask those questions of your engineer. His impression of what users want may not be entirely accurate. And yeah, if there is a standard or style guide, stick with it but like you, I doubt one exists.

Remember the old days when we used to use different fonts like Courier for computer input, and bold for menus etc.? I ended up with some pretty scary pages following that convention. No less than 14 different fonts on one 7.5 x 9 page, once. That convinced me to stop doing that immediately, lol.

Beth Agnew, Professor
Co-ordinator, Technical Communication Program
Seneca College
of Applied Arts & Technology
70 the Pond Road| Toronto, ON | M3J 3M6
416.491.5050 x3133 | beth.ag...@senecac.on.ca
FB: http://bit.ly/bNQsDL
Twitter: Professorsan, Writingwiz

Thomas Johnson wrote:
Good afternoon,

Engineers, you gotta like 'em. I suppose without them, many of us would be 
without a job.

Okay, here's the situation. An engineer wants to make part names stand out by treating them as proper nouns. 
To clarify he would like part names, those that appear on drawings and such, to be capitalized, but not 
generic terms. I guess that would mean "Upper Module Housing" would be capitalized, but "the 
housing" would not. He said something said about only doing it for the "first use", but we'll 
ignore that for now. I can't see how he applied that consistently in anything he's written. I don't know if 
he meant first use in a step or first use in a procedure, or something else.

Have you ever seen this done in a manual? I'm ending up with a mess of capitalized terms 
like Upper Module, Lower Module, Shoes, Axles, and Coiled Spring Pins scattered 
throughout instructions. I asked the engineer if this was something the client has as a 
standard. He avoided answering that question and said something akin to "That's what 
I do to make things stand out so that it's easier to find part names in manuals that can 
be three to four-hundred pages long."

While formatting several chapters of the manual, I made many of the names lower 
case. It made no sense to me and I've never seen it done before. He went on to 
say, a little later, that he likes to italicize the name as well. Arrrghh! I 
know, I should've told him then and there that one or the other would be more 
than enough emphasis. Maybe I should suggest that he underline them as 
well-just to have a little fun with him.

Anyway, I want to make sure I'm not missing something  before I decide to stand my ground 
or to relent and go back to "recapitalize" what I've changed. I think the 
easiest way would be to ask him to show me where his standard is written down 
(particularly anywhere where our client has defined this spec) so I can make sure I apply 
it consistently and appropriately. I doubt he'll be able to produce it and then I'll 
reiterate that I've never seen it done that way, it clutters things up, and makes them 
more complicated to deal with.

In case I'm wrong, I'd like to get suggestions for a formatting convention that 
might be less intrusive than Initial Caps, maybe small caps or a sans serif 
font (within a serif environment), that would make these terms more visible 
within the surrounding text, if it comes down to that.

Thank you in advance.

Tom Johnson
Technical Writer
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