On Sun, Jun 04, 2023 at 01:03:14PM +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> Hello,
> In the last few weeks a series of mallocs diff have been committed.
> The last one today. That one allows malloc to detect more cases of
> write-after-free. While that is a good thing, it might uncover latent
> bugs in appliations. 
> So if you are running current or snapshots, please keep an eye out for
> issues reported by malloc. If we get too many reports of issues I
> might change things so the extra write-after-free detetecion is ony
> enabled when malloc option S is active.

Well, I don't know if this related, but I just noticed this:
mjoelnir:robb 18.06 15:17:30 # rcctl check mdnsd

mjoelnir:robb 18.06 15:17:32 [$?==1]# rcctl restart mdnsd

mjoelnir:robb 18.06 15:17:37 # rcctl check mdnsd

mjoelnir:robb 18.06 15:17:39 [$?==1]# pgrep -l mdnsd
mjoelnir:robb 18.06 15:18:06 [$?==1]#

mjoelnir:robb 18.06 15:18:07 [$?==1]# mdnsd -h
mdnsd: unknown option -- h
usage: mdnsd [-dw] ifname [ifnames...]
usage: mdnsd -v

mjoelnir:robb 18.06 15:18:22 [$?==1]# mdnsd -dv
malloc() warning: unknown char in MALLOC_OPTIONS
malloc() warning: unknown char in MALLOC_OPTIONS
OpenMdns Daemon 0.7 (2017-03-10)
Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Christiano F. Haesbaert
mjoelnir:robb 18.06 15:18:30 #

mjoelnir:robb 18.06 15:18:33 # pgrep -l mdnsd
mjoelnir:robb 18.06 15:18:36 [$?==1]# mdnsd -d
malloc() warning: unknown char in MALLOC_OPTIONS
malloc() warning: unknown char in MALLOC_OPTIONS
usage: mdnsd [-dw] ifname [ifnames...]
usage: mdnsd -v

This is with a 7.3 snapshot from about a week ago:
mjoelnir:robb 18.06 15:22:22 # ls -ltr /bsd*
-rwx------  1 root  wheel  25245701 Jun 11 13:42 /bsd.sp
-rw-------  1 root  wheel   4674809 Jun 11 13:42 /bsd.rd
-rwx------  1 root  wheel  25364480 Jun 11 13:44 /bsd.booted
-rwx------  1 root  wheel  25375272 Jun 11 13:56 /bsd

mjoelnir:robb 18.06 15:21:53 # uname -a
OpenBSD mjoelnir.fritz.box 7.3 GENERIC.MP#1230 amd64

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