Forex futures are essentially about the establishment of a futures
contract between two parties that obligates both parties to a trade of
a currency pair at some point in the future. The price point is set
beforehand, and the seller can own the currency once the actual future
is written, or they may have a chance at risking the currency pair in
hope that it will be cheaper at some point before what is called the
settlement date.

Spot Forex is a pretty much the same thing as futures except that with
spot fx the actual trade of the currency happens right at the point of
trade or at a short time there after. The price point is determined at
the point of trade as well and this is not much different than with
Forex futures. The actual physical exchange of currency doesn't happen
right away with futures as it does with spot, and the exchange instead
happens on what is called the delivery date, which is typically a date
set in the near future.

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