On 02/04/13 10:58, Simon McVittie wrote:
> On 30/03/13 09:23, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> It suggests that empathy gets TURN servers from Google. 
> (To be clear here: "peer" means the person you're calling or the person
> who called you.)
> If you're using a Google account, telepathy-gabble will obtain a
> temporary username/password for Google's TURN server and offer them to
> the peer. If you and the peer can't communicate directly (even with
> STUN), and the peer also supports TURN, you'll use TURN.
> If you're not using a Google account but the peer is, they'll obtain a
> temporary username/password for Google's TURN server and offer them to
> you. Again, if you and the peer can't communicate directly (even with
> STUN), you'll use TURN.
>> I can't find
>> anywhere to configure my TURN server manually.
> No, I think that's a missing feature in telepathy-gabble. The TURN
> server itself is the easy bit, really: the non-trivial part is getting
> the necessary credentials to use it, either by obtaining a temporary
> username/password per call via your XMPP server (similar to the
> non-standard API offered by Google servers - I am not aware of any
> standard equivalent), or prompting for a (username and?) password with a
> SASLAuthentication channel.
I'm familiar with the TURN credential concept, I've actually packaged
both of the TURN servers in Debian and I'm keen to try empathy against them.

reTurn from reSIProcate
- works for SIP or XMPP
- available in wheezy
- supports legacy STUN clients or full TURN clients
- long term credentials configured statically in /etc/reTurnServer.config


Open TurnServer (from the Jitsi team):
- works for SIP or XMPP
- available in sid (just missed out for wheezy unfortunately)
- no support for legacy STUN clients
- long term credentials configured statically in text file


As both of these servers support long term credentials, I think it would
be highly worthwhile to be able to use them with empathy.  Possible
config options in empathy:

STUN/TURN server name:  ?
STUN/TURN server protocol:  (UDP/TCP/TLS)
Server supports TURN  (checkbox)
(Long term credential) username:
(Long term credential) password:

The implementation I made in Lumicall does TURN server discovery via DNS
SRV and tries to use the SIP credentials as TURN credentials, this would
also be a valid way to support TURN without changing the UI and without
relying on Google.

>> It would be a big
>> surprise for many Debian users to find that all their media streams are
>> silently routed via a Google TURN server.
> This shouldn't happen unless both of these are true:
> * no other form of connectivity worked
> * either you or the peer are using a Google account (in which case
>   Google is technically able to eavesdrop on your traffic anyway)
> On a reasonably non-hostile network (e.g. typical home or small office
> NAT), STUN should usually be enough to get a call through. The STUN
> server is configurable, and STUN is sufficiently low-bandwidth to not
> need any special credentials or provisioning (Collabora provides a STUN
> server, stun.telepathy.im, which is the default for Telepathy).

Thanks for explaining this.  For the issue at hand,
- I've tested with two clients on the same LAN (against ejabberd on
squeeze) and they still don't work.
- TURN was a first guess because I saw the Google server messages in the
log output, but your explanation suggests I should ignore that
- could any other change in the recent upload (4 March) have contributed
to the problem I am facing?

It was working for me before that with the same clients network setup. 
The only thing that has changed is that all clients updated to the
latest wheezy within the last 2 weeks.

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