
>> I'd even say the existing stun-server parameters could simply be
>> reused and the UI element be relabled as STUN/TURN-Server. At
>> least, I cannot see any reason why the STUN server should be
>> different from the TURN relay, and other clients (including Jitsi)
>> do that as well.
> Except that for a TURN server, you need to pass the username and
> password too. Otherwise it's mostly the same.
>> Technically, the servers could be split, but as all relevant TURN
>> server implementations also do STUN and there is no reason to
>> disable that, I think it is a very safe bet.
> All TURN servers are also STUN servers, so it's definitely very valid
> to only supply  a TURN  server.
> The annoying part is that you have to pass the TURN server config
> through telepathy-gabble. TURN servers should really be proposed by
> the XMPP server, but it seems that no one else than Google went
> through the effort of designing something that actually works. The
> Telepathy-Farstream & Farstream part should already support it, so all
> the work is in Gabble and in Empathy.

There are two valid ways:

 1. STUN and TURN servers can be published throush XEP-0215; this
    also allows the use of temporary credentials. Jitsi and Prosody
    already support that, and I personally think it is a valid solution;
 2. the XMPP Wiki suggests that it is a valid solution to look for
    _turn SRV records via DNS.


Dominik George (1. Vorstandsvorsitzender, Pädagogischer Leiter)
Teckids e.V. - Erkunden, Entdecken, Erfinden.

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