Hello everyone, 

I've been successfully fine-tuning the eng.traineddata model with smaller 
datasets, but when I try to scale up to a larger dataset to include a more 
diverse range of documents, I encounter an unusual error. The training 
process starts, but it immediately reports a negative Mean RMS error, which 
seems to be an anomaly.

Tesseract Version: 4.1.3
Platform: Ubuntu 20.04

I run the following command for fine-tuning:
lstmtraining --debug_interval 0 

--old_traineddata tesstrain/src/tessdata_best/eng.traineddata 


--train_listfile tesstrain/data/experiments/5PX1000D_rs42/list.train 
--eval_listfile tesstrain/data/experiments/5PX1000D_rs42/list.eval 
--max_iterations 100000 
--target_error_rate 0.01

The output I'm wondering about is :
At iteration 1/600/600, Mean rms=-2147483.6%, delta=0.033%, char 
train=275.696%, word train=100%, skip ratio=0%,  New worst char error = 
275.696 wrote checkpoint.

I expected the training process to proceed normally with the Mean RMS error 
showing sensible values, similar to when training on smaller datasets. When 
I use around 100k lstmf files it doesn't have this behaviour but with 400k 
this happens.

Am I looking in the wrong direction or missing something ?
I tried to look for something similar in the groups and discussions but 
couldn't find anything.

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