
I've run into some trouble using Tesseract OCR in a python program doing 
some screen scraping. I can't quite wrap my head around why this one value 
is having so much more trouble than the others on the same page,  with the 
same contrast and font.

This is the image in question:
It has been scraped from a 1080p resolution screenshot, sliced into 
individual images for the values in a grid, scaled up by 10x, inverted 
(from white-on-black to this), thresholded, and passed to Tesseract. I have 
also tried various Gaussian and median blurs but those seem to just make 
other strings fail more.

I have tried most of the PSM options that make sense, and passed options 
with just numerals, $, comma, and decimal as allow list of characters. I've 
tried all the different interpolations OpenCV has to offer. Tesseract just 
constantly chokes on this value.

It's a little frustrating because the only OCR I've found that works with 
this value is an A9T9 model(I think) through the free api at ocr.space ( 
https://ocr.space/ocrapi#ocrengine2 ). Unfortunately there doesn't appear 
to be a way for me to run that locally, and the string seems like it should 
be simple for an OCR read.

Any advice on poking Tesseract in the right way to read this, or some fancy 
filtering I could do to help make the image clearer for it?


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