Hey everyone ,
I am train my own lstm model based using some specific images that I want 
tesseract to work efficiently on. I have used the command  
*$ lstmtraining --model_output=my_output.lstm --traineddata="C:\Program 
Files\Tesseract-OCR\tessdata\eng.traineddata" --old_traineddata="C:\Program 

but it is giving I high error rate 
*At iteration 40/40/40, Mean rms=5.874000%, delta=47.785000%, BCER 
train=99.487000%, BWER train=100.000000%, skip ratio=0.000000%,  New worst 
BCER = 99.487000 wrote checkpoint.*

Finished! Selected model with minimal training error rate (BCER) = 99.367

So my questions is What is the reason for this high error rate as my file 
contains normal english sentences.
I think maybe my custom model is not leveraging the preptrained "eng.lstm"  


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