Yes, we have suggestions for me to improve the accuracy of the results -
they are already in the documentation. Just read it.


ut 26. 3. 2024 o 13:41 inKi Wang <> napĂ­sal(a):

> Hi everyone, I wish you all a good day.
> I'm currently encountering an issue with image_to_string producing
> incorrect results when reading large gray images containing only numbers.
> Here's what I'm using:
>    - pytesseract version 0.3.10
>    - tesseractOCR version 5.3.3
>    - Language: English (eng)
>    - PSM: 7
>    - OEM: 3
> With the image provided below, the result returned when using the
> image_to_string function is 9.5. When I resize the image, it returns 9.0,
> 9.5, and sometimes *9.9*. There was an instance where resizing gave 5.5,
> but it was incorrect for other cases with different numbers.
> Do you have any suggestions for me to improve the accuracy of the results?
> Thank you all, and I wish you a great day!
> [image: 9.0.png]
> --
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