i am trying to train a tesseract model with my own data. This is my code : 
import os

# Pfade konfigurieren
TRAIN_DATA_DIR = "./data1"
TRAIN_LISTFILE = "./trainingsliste.txt"
OUTPUT_DIR = "./output"
TRAINEDDATA = "./tesseract-4.1/tessdata/deu.traineddata"
# Prüfe notwendige Pfade
if not os.path.exists(TRAIN_DATA_DIR) or not os.path.exists(TRAIN_LISTFILE) 
or not os.path.exists(TRAINEDDATA):
    raise FileNotFoundError("Ein oder mehrere benötigte 
Verzeichnisse/Dateien fehlen.")

# Ausgabeverzeichnis erstellen, falls nicht vorhanden
if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR):

# Trainingskonfiguration
os.environ['OMP_THREAD_LIMIT'] = '16'

# Trainingsbefehl
command = f'lstmtraining --model_output {OUTPUT_DIR}/font_name 
--traineddata {TRAINEDDATA} --train_listfile {TRAIN_LISTFILE} 
--max_iterations {MAX_ITERATIONS}'
result = os.system(command + " > train_output.txt 2>&1")
print("Ausgeführter Befehl:", command)

if result != 0:
    with open('train_output.txt', 'r') as file:
        output = file.read()
    print("Fehler beim Training:", output)
    raise Exception("Fehler beim Starten des Trainingsprozesses.") and this 
is the error: Must specify an input layer as the first layer, not !!
Failed to create network from spec: 

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