Quoting Andre Robatino <robat...@fedoraproject.org>:

> As per the Fedora 15 schedule [1], Fedora 15 Beta RC2 is now available
> for testing. Please see the following pages for download links and
> testing instructions.

Installed Fedora 15 Beta RC2 x86_64 from netinstall, NetworkManager keeps
screwing up DHCP from both wired and wireless connection on post installation.
Worse, using ifup em2 will not get online access.
That behaviour did not happen on Alpha version and i686 Fedora 15 Beta based
Gnome 3 Live . Details is available on bug #691663 [*] including the Reatket
wireless hardware. Adam did his best to figure out the issue but that strange
problem left more puzzles than solution. I don't know if other people have
similar issue.

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