On Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 5:14 PM Adam Williamson <adamw...@fedoraproject.org>

> So overall I agree with a lot of what you wrote. It does cause me to
> wonder if writing some kind of plugin/extension for Pagure, or just
> writing the functionality into the blockerbugs app, might possibly be
> *less* work than writing and maintaining the 'blocker bot', however.

You mean patching Pagure to allow for voting? It's pretty specific to our
use case, I'm not sure if Pagure would be interested in having that. There
is something similar on Github/Gitlab by acking/nacking a pull request, but
that is for PRs where it makes sense. We would need to use it on tickets,
where it generally doesn't make much sense. I also considered voting by
adding thumbs-up/thumbs-down reactions (already supported by Pagure), but
that is a process that doesn't create any activity log and the result can
be arbitrarily changed at any time, even after voting has ended.

The process of VOTE +1/0/-1 and updating the summary is very lightweight on
the blocker bot functionality (it should be really trivial to implement)
and it doesn't hurt us much if the bot goes unresponsive - counting
manually is not that much work. I see voting in BBA as a much more daunting
task, because of authentication, notifications, long term logging, making
sure the service is up at all times, etc. Also it wouldn't make much sense
to have discussion and voting at two separate places, which means having
the discussions in BBA as well, which brings yet more requirements.

The other part of the bot, mainly updating blocker bugs in Bugzilla
automatically, was something we've talked about a long time and that can't
be done with any Pagure extensions etc.

> My
> other concern would be that if we use something other than the
> blockerbugs app or Bugzilla, we now have *three* different systems
> involved in the blocker review process - Bugzilla, the blockerbugs app,
> and the discussion system. That seems like a lot of moving parts to
> keep synchronized.

That is a valid concern. But, we already have three systems, the third
being IRC :-) And that would get replaced by Pagure. If IRC is down, our
processes are negatively affected (the same would happen if Pagure was
down). My main goal is to avoid being overly reliant on BBA. If Bugzilla or
Pagure are down, it's a Fedora-wide crisis and it will get resolved
promptly. If BBA is down, just a few people from our team can do something
about it, and if that is a complex issue, the priority to getting external
help is much lower than with Bugzilla or Pagure. I also want us to stay
away from the sysadmin roles as much as we can. So BBA (including the
blocker bot, if we want to distinguish that) plays, in my ideal world, just
a support role, but we don't depend on it. If things break, we can always
do the same thing manually (list proposed blockers in bugzilla, have the
discussion there or elsewhere, then set the right fields, etc). And that
principle is valid even in the proposed scenario.

You are right that synchronization issues might occur, especially when we
start displaying the same data in several places. The canonical source is
and will be Bugzilla, but we display blocker/FE status in BBA and now the
same info would be visible through Pagure ticket tags. That... might not be
a good idea. I was thrilled by the idea of having an easy-to-look-at and
easy-to-use list of current and past blockers/FEs (because often I need to
find a past accepted/rejected blocker and that is a painful experience
using Bugzilla), but it's not necessary. All the tags are just sugar on
top. Perhaps we should start without it, and add it later, if we feel it
would be useful and we have no synchronization issues.
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