On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 10:55 PM David <dlocklea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mr. Murphy,
> I got the F35 key installed.

Yeah looks like its moved to:


>But somehow using that distrosync thing,
> I think I have a bunch of F33 packages.

Things do get retired and aren't autoremoved I guess. You could try
starting out with

dnf autoremove

> Also, somehow I need to disable the F34 stuff.      I haven't figured that
> out yet.

No. If you want to stay on Rawhide you will just get (most) everything
fc34 replaced with fc35 versions. If you want to stay on Fedora 34,
you still need to "rebase" because you're on F34-Rawhide rather than

If you want to get out of Rawhide, follow this question and answer:
Q: How do I get out of Rawhide again? I want to switch to the Branched
release or a stable release.

> I think my first problem was that I was trying to import the key using sudo
> and not as root.

It should be the same.

Chris Murphy
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