Dear Arthur,
I can certainly ask the student to allow distributing her thesis, but I believe it will not be of great utility, because, as I said, the thesis is in Italian, with very few stretches in Albanian, where the needed rare hyphen points were set by hand.

All the best

On 15/06/2020 21:40, Arthur Reutenauer wrote:
        Hi Claudio,

On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 12:05:19AM +0200, Claudio Beccari wrote:
Recently I assisted an Albanian student getting her degree in Italy, who
wrote her thesi in Italian, bu with many stretches of text in Albanian;
these parts where hyphenated by hand, because she could not use LaTeX, but
the final printing was done from a LaTeX generated pdf file; the supervisors
were very happy to see a well typeset thesis, that in humanities apparently
is pretty uncommon.
   If that thesis is available somewhere, it would be very useful to be
able to look at it :-)



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