This is slightly off-topic, but it relates to a problem with MusiXTeX, 
so I hope it's okay to ask the TeXperts on this list...

I use LaTeX with inline MusiXTeX to create note examples (\begin{music} 
etc) of different diatonic scales. The following example illustrates a C 
minor scale with numbering regarding to a common C major scale.

     \zchar{-8}{\smalltype 1}\nq c%
     \zchar{-8}{\smalltype 2}\nq d%
     \zchar{-8}{\smalltype \flt3}\nq{_e}%
     \zchar{-8}{\smalltype 4}\nq f%
     \zchar{-8}{\smalltype 5}\nq g%
     \zchar{-8}{\smalltype \flt6}\nq{'_a}%
     \zchar{-8}{\smalltype \flt7}\nq{_b}%
     \lpar c\rpar c\nq c%

The \flt macro is defined as:

     \def\flt{\raise 1.7pt\hbox{\ChordSymbolSmall\char50}}

I would like to simplify this with a macro that iterates over a string 
with all notes in the scale ({cd_efg'_ab}) and adds the corresponding 
numbers below, perhaps from a string like {12{\flt3}45{\flt6}{\flt7}}.

Since I'm quite new to TeX programming, I don't really know where to 
start. The TeX references I find on the internet mainly deal with 
layout, not programming issues. Perhaps someone could direct me to 
useful sources, or even help me with this particular problem? I guess 
I'll have to learn everything during the journey...


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