Here you have one. It contains some entries entered by hand, and some
others copied and pasted from mathscinet.


El 09/07/10 10:37, Joris van der Hoeven escribió:
> Hi again,
> In order to test our upcoming BibTeX replacement,
> it would be nice to collect some large bibliography files
> used by actual authors. Could you please send a dozen of
> sample files to David (in the CC), so that we can make sure
> that they are imported well. Don't worry if the files contain
> some errors; the converter should be robust enough to detect them.
> Best wishes, --Joris
> _______________________________________________
> Texmacs-dev mailing list
  Author         = {{G. Alberti, L. Ambrosio, P. Cannarsa}},
  Title          = {On the singularities of convex functions},
  Journal        = {Manuscripta Mathematica},
  Volume         = {76},
  Pages          = {421-435},
  year           = 1992

  Author         = {{Ambrose, W.}},
  Title          = {Parallel translation of Riemannian curvature},
  Journal        = {Annals of Math.},
  Volume         = {64},
  Pages          = {337-363},
  year           = 1956

  Author         = {{Buchner, Michael A.}},
  Title          = {Stability of the cut locus in dimensions less than or equal to 6},
  Journal        = {Invent. Math.},
  Volume         = {43},
  Number         = {3},
  Pages          = {199--231},
  year           = 1977

  Author         = {{Buchner, Michael A.}},
  Title          = {The structure of the cut locus in dimension less than or equal to six},
  Journal        = {Compositio Math.},
  Volume         = {37},
  Number         = {1},
  Pages          = {103--119},
  year           = 1978

@Book{Cannarsa Sinestrari,
  Author         = {{P. Cannarsa and C. Sinestrari}},
  Title          = {Semiconcave Functions, Hamilton-Jacobi Equations, and Optimal Control},
  Volume         = {58},
  Series         = {Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications},
  Publisher      = {Birkh\"{a}user},

@Book {Cartan51,
    AUTHOR = {Cartan, {\'E}lie},
     TITLE = {Le\c cons sur la g\'eom\'etrie des espaces de {R}iemann},
      NOTE = {2d ed},
 PUBLISHER = {Gauthier-Villars},
   ADDRESS = {Paris},
      YEAR = {1951},
     PAGES = {viii+378},
   MRCLASS = {53.0X},
  MRNUMBER = {MR0044878 (13,491e)},

  Author         = {{M. Castelpietra and L. Rifford}},
  Title          = {Regularity properties of the distance function to conjugate and cut loci for viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations and application in Riemannian geometry},
  Journal        = {}

@article {MR1974469,
    AUTHOR = {Deng, Shaoqiang and Hou, Zixin},
     TITLE = {The group of isometries of a {F}insler space},
   JOURNAL = {Pacific J. Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Pacific Journal of Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {207},
      YEAR = {2002},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {149--155},
      ISSN = {0030-8730},
     CODEN = {PJMAAI},
   MRCLASS = {53C60},
  MRNUMBER = {MR1974469 (2003m:53127)},
MRREVIEWER = {Zhongmin Shen},

  Author         = {{J. J. Duistermaat}},
  Title          = {Fourier Integral Operators},
  Volume         = {130},
  Series         = {Progress in Mathematics},
  Publisher      = {Birkh\"{a}user, Boston},
  year           = 1996
@article {Hebda82,
    AUTHOR = {Hebda, James J.},
     TITLE = {Conjugate and cut loci and the {C}artan-{A}mbrose-{H}icks
   JOURNAL = {Indiana Univ. Math. J.},
  FJOURNAL = {Indiana University Mathematics Journal},
    VOLUME = {31},
      YEAR = {1982},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {17--26},
      ISSN = {0022-2518},
     CODEN = {IUMJAB},
   MRCLASS = {53C20},
  MRNUMBER = {MR642612 (83j:53032)},
MRREVIEWER = {Sheila Carter},

  Author         = {Hebda, James J.},
  Title          = {Parallel translation of curvature along geodesics},
  Journal        = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.},
  Volume         = {299},
  Number         = {2},
  Pages          = {559-572},
  year           = 1987

  Author         = {Hebda, James J.},
  Title          = {Metric structure of cut loci in surfaces and Ambrose's problem},
  Journal        = {J. Differential Geom.},
  Volume         = {40},
  Number         = {3},
  Pages          = {621--642},
  year           = 1994

@book {Hurewicz_Wallman_Dimension_Theory,
    AUTHOR = {Hurewicz, Witold and Wallman, Henry},
     TITLE = {Dimension {T}heory},
    SERIES = {Princeton Mathematical Series, v. 4},
 PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Princeton, N. J.},
      YEAR = {1941},
     PAGES = {vii+165},
   MRCLASS = {56.0X},
  MRNUMBER = {MR0006493 (3,312b)},
MRREVIEWER = {H. Whitney},

  Author         = {{Federer, Herbert}},
  Editor         = {{}},
  Title          = {Geometric measure theory},
  Publisher      = {Springer-Verlag New York Inc},
  Volume         = {153},
  Series         = {},
  year           = 1969

  Author         = {{Itoh, Jin-ichi}},
  Title          = {The length of a cut locus on a surface and Ambrose's problem},
  Journal        = {J. Differential Geom.},
  Volume         = {43},
  Number         = {3},
  Pages          = {642--651},
  year           = 1996

  Author         = {{Itoh, Jin-ichi and Tanaka, Minoru }},
  Title          = {The Lipschitz continuity of the distance function to the cut locus},
  Journal        = {Transactions of the A.M.S.},
  Volume         = {353},
  Number         = {1},
  Pages          = {21-40},
  year           = 2000

@article {Klok,
    AUTHOR = {Klok, Fopke},
     TITLE = {Generic singularities of the exponential map on {R}iemannian
   JOURNAL = {Geom. Dedicata},
  FJOURNAL = {Geometriae Dedicata},
    VOLUME = {14},
      YEAR = {1983},
    NUMBER = {4},
     PAGES = {317--342},
      ISSN = {0046-5755},
     CODEN = {GEMDAT},
   MRCLASS = {58D17 (53C22 58F17)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR723376 (85f:58018)},
MRREVIEWER = {Karsten Grove},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF00181572},
       URL = {},

  Author         = {Angulo, Pablo and Guijarro, Luis},
  Title          = {Cut and singular loci up to codimension 3},
  Journal        = {},
  year           = 2008
  Author         = {Angulo, Pablo and Guijarro, Luis},
  Title          = {Balanced split sets and Hamilton-Jacobi equations},
  Journal        = {},
  year           = 2008-2009

  Author         = {{A. C. Mennucci}},
  Title          = {Regularity And Variationality Of Solutions To Hamilton-Jacobi Equations. Part I: Regularity (2nd Edition)},
  Journal        = {ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.},
  Volume         = {13},
  Number         = {2},
  Pages          = {413--417},
  year           = 2007

@article {O'Neill68,
    AUTHOR = {O'Neill, Barrett},
     TITLE = {Construction of {R}iemannian coverings},
   JOURNAL = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.},
  FJOURNAL = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society},
    VOLUME = {19},
      YEAR = {1968},
     PAGES = {1278--1282},
      ISSN = {0002-9939},
   MRCLASS = {53.72},
  MRNUMBER = {MR0232313 (38 \#638)},
MRREVIEWER = {S. Takizawa},

@incollection {Wall,
    AUTHOR = {Wall, C. T. C.},
     TITLE = {Geometric properties of generic differentiable manifolds},
 BOOKTITLE = {Geometry and topology ({P}roc. {III} {L}atin {A}mer. {S}chool
              of {M}ath., {I}nst. {M}at. {P}ura {A}plicada {CNP}q, {R}io de
              {J}aneiro, 1976)},
     PAGES = {707--774. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 597},
 PUBLISHER = {Springer},
   ADDRESS = {Berlin},
      YEAR = {1977},
   MRCLASS = {58C25},
  MRNUMBER = {MR0494233 (58 \#13144)},
MRREVIEWER = {Edward Bierstone},

  Author         = {{F.W.Warner}},
  Title          = {The conjugate locus of a Riemannian manifold},
  Journal        = {Amer.J. of Math.},
  Volume         = {87},
  Number         = {},
  Pages          = {575-604},
  year           = 1965

@incollection {Weinstein,
    AUTHOR = {Weinstein, Alan},
     TITLE = {The generic conjugate locus},
 BOOKTITLE = {Global {A}nalysis ({P}roc. {S}ympos. {P}ure {M}ath., {V}ol.
              {XV}, {B}erkeley, {C}alif., 1968)},
     PAGES = {299--301},
 PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc.},
   ADDRESS = {Providence, R.I.},
      YEAR = {1970},
   MRCLASS = {57.50 (53.00)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR0271993 (42 \#6874)},
MRREVIEWER = {I. Chavel},

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