> I simply *LOVE* that you can play related videos and
> *NOT* loose sight of the original search result!!!

I've noticed that as well and love that part of it, too. Not only that
you don't loose the search results... the opposite is also true. You
can watch one video while already searching for the next ...all in one
and the same interface.

Now if I were to add a queueing meachanism to this, like youtube's
quicklist ...or, if you wish, playlists in general ...which you could
save into tiddlers ...maybe with a simple gui to play/pause and go to
the next or previous video or to have it randomly shuffle the list
while autoplaying through the videos ...that would be ouch-like
awesome ;o)

Videos might simply be added to a quicklist (maybe displayed below the
search interface) by doing a ALT+CLICK on a thumbnail ...while CTRL
+CLICK might allow to open a video's youtube page in a new tab instead
of playing it in the tiddler.

Clicking on that quicklist-thumb might then start a somewhat dedicated
"playlist" mode, starting playback at the clicked tiddler. Doing a CTRL
+CLICK on a tiddler in the quicklist might be used to resort it...
e.g. CTRL+CLICK once to select a video, then CLICK on another to place
it in front of that ...or CLICK on some "Recycle Bin" to delete it
from a list... one could even have a  dropdown with multiple lists to
chose from... and a few buttons to move videos between playlists...
ah, so many ideas, way too many. ;o)

Cheers, Tobias.

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