x86_64 fails to copy the second struct passed to va_arg.

Notice that if you switch the position of bill= and george= it is always
the second struct that fails to read.

$ gcc test.c && ./a.out      #pass
$ i386-tcc test.c && ./a.out #pass
$ tcc test.c && ./a.out      #fail
failed in test.c: 20

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#define failed() do { \
    printf("failed in %s: %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
    errors++; \
} while (0)
static int errors = 0;
static struct myspace {
    short int profile;
} bob = { 42 };
void badfunc(int eek, ...) {
    va_list ack;
    int validate;
    struct myspace george, bill;
    va_start(ack, eek);
        bill     = va_arg(ack, struct myspace);
        george   = va_arg(ack, struct myspace);
        validate = va_arg(ack, int);
        if (bill.profile   != bob.profile) failed();
        if (george.profile != bob.profile) failed();
        if (validate       != bob.profile) failed();
void goodfunc(int eek, struct myspace george) {
    if (george.profile != bob.profile)     failed();
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    goodfunc(0, bob);
    badfunc(0, bob, bob, bob.profile);
    return errors;

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