The mica2 and micaz _are_ Atmega128's so no porting should be necessary.
Or do you want to run TOS on your own '128 board? If so, then I'd guess
that anything that doesn't use the radio or EEPROM chips would work
pretty straightforwardly. You'd need to compare the schematics to
see if there are any gotcha's. The mica2 is at:


Sola Famoriyo wrote:
hello all,
i am very new to tinyos and i need to get some fundamental knowledge. Sorry my question may seem like that of a novice, but i need help. i just installed tiny OS, but i would like to know how i can port it to an Atmega128 microprocessor. what i'm i expected to get as output if succesful. What features do i see in the output, can i make any changes to observe any kind of differences in my alterations.
thanks, help the soul that searches for knowledge.

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