Hello all,

I have been creating a couple of scripts on bash to help me deal with
the connection and disconnection of motes to the computer

I want to open N connections to N motes using N SerialForwarders. To
do this, I have a while loop which reads the USB addresses from a
lookup table and launches SerialForwarder like this:
cd $TOSROOT/tools/java
java net.tinyos.sf.SerialForwarder -no-gui -comm
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:telosb -port $[$i+9000] &

$MOTE_ADDR is i.e. "/dev/ttyUSB5" and $i increases on each loop, to
have each Forwarder on a different port.

This seems to work but after about 30 seconds the connections begin to
die... What am I doing wrong?


- J.
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