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On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 10:45 AM David Benjamin <>

> Hi Richard. Thanks for the comments! Replies inline.
> On Mon, May 6, 2024 at 10:23 AM Richard Barnes <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Coming in late here.  Appreciate the discussion so far.  FWIW, here's how
>> I'm thinking through this:
>> I would frame the basic problem here as follows, since I think the use
>> cases presented are all basically corollaries: Root store fragmentation
>> makes it hard for server operators to make sure they can authenticate to
>> all of the clients they want to connect with.  Note that the pain is
>> non-zero regardless of technology.  The more clients have differing
>> requirements, the more work servers are going to have to do to support them
>> all.
>> Pain = (Amount of fragmentation) * (Pain per fragmentation)
>> The question at issue here is how trust expressions affect the inputs to
>> this equation.
>> Shifting from a single-certificate to a multi-certificate world shifts
>> the pain, from "How do I pick the most widely accepted cert?" to "How do I
>> make sure I have the right selection of certificates?"  I probably agree
>> that this is a net reduction in pain for a given level of fragementation.
> I think we’re broadly in agreement here. Fragmentation exists today, both
> between different root programs and between versions of a given client and
> there is a significant amount of pain involved for affected server
> operators with no option but to find a new ubiquitously-trusted CA and
> reissue.
> We’re particularly concerned about this server operator pain because it
> translates to security risks for billions of users. If root program actions
> cause server operator pain, there is significant pressure against those
> actions. The end result of this is that root store changes happen
> infrequently, with the ultimate cost being that user security cannot
> benefit from PKI improvements.
> It’s worth noting that, for a given set of target clients, picking the
> most widely accepted certificate is not merely painful but potentially
> infeasible. Picking a larger selection of certificates allows the server
> operator to meet their needs. There is still some cost to selecting from
> too many certificates, but trust expressions greatly relieves the pressures
> that, again, ultimately are paid by user security.
> We also anticipate many of those costs can be mitigated by instead
> imposing smaller costs on CAs, who already have existing relationships with
> root programs. Indeed, CAs already make decisions about supported clients,
> by deciding which cross-signs and intermediates to include and which to
> retire. Trust expressions makes these decisions more explicit.
>> I probably also agree with Dennis, though, that reducing the pain at a
>> given level of fragmentation will increase the temptation to more
>> fragmentation.  The country-level stuff is there, but even some of the
>> putative use cases look like more fragmentation -- more algorithms,
>> changing root store policies more frequently.  Playing the combinatorics
>> out here, how many certs is a server going to have to maintain?
> To some degree, yes, we want to increase fragmentation *when it is
> necessary to benefit user security*. Fragmentation is an inherent
> consequence of root program changes, and root programs often need changes
> to meet user security (and, with post-quantum, performance) needs, but the
> costs today are prohibitive to the point that root programs cannot
> effectively meet those needs.
> Of course, unnecessary fragmentation is undesirable. Trust expressions
> fixes the prohibitive costs but, as you allude to, there are still costs.
> We don’t want servers to need to maintain unboundedly many certificates.
> However, note that these same costs are pressure against excessive,
> unnecessary fragmentation.
> It’s hard to say exact numbers at this stage. We can only learn with
> deployment experience, hence our desire to progress toward adoption and
> experimentation.
>> As an aside here, speaking as someone who used to run a root program, I'm
>> not sure that reducing the barriers to adding new CAs to a root program is
>> a net benefit.  Obviously we don't want things to ossify, but it seems like
>> experience has shown that small, niche CAs cause more trouble in terms of
>> compliance checking and misissuance than the benefit that they bring in
>> terms of diversity.
> This is an important point; most modern root programs including Chrome
> <>
> and Mozilla <> are trending
> towards increased requirements on CAs to become trusted, including greater
> agility among trust anchors. This agility reduces the risk of powerful,
> long-lived keys and allows for faster adoption of security improvements,
> but poses additional pain on subscribers who can only deploy one
> certificate to meet the needs of a set of clients that are changing faster
> than ever before.
> We do not expect that to change. Trust expressions *do not remove any
> barriers from including a CA in a root program*. Rather, it removes the
> ubiquity barrier preventing *server operators* from serving certificates
> from that CA, to clients *that have already chosen to trust it*.
>> Given all that, I find myself pretty firmly on the fence here.  On the
>> one hand, I would find more appeal in a more limited solutions (such as
>> those Dennis raises) that addressed some of the fragmentation problems
>> without full generality.  On the other hand, if there were a clear argument
>> that fragmentation could be contained, that could make the current proposal
>> more plausible.
> There are indeed costs to fragmentation, but those costs themselves
> provide the pressure against unnecessary fragmentation. We’re not aware of
> any more limited solution that would still meet the requirements here. Did
> you mean the ones in
> Looking at these:
> - Cross-signing is a broad space. We discuss it briefly in the explainer
> <>,
> but it would need to be more concrete to be a sketch of a solution. Was
> this the option you had in mind?
> - Root-program-specific roots seem to require exactly a primitive like
> trust expressions.
> - A global timestamp is not viable because root programs make different
> decisions at different times, for a variety of reasons.
> Perhaps you could elaborate on what you had in mind?
> But, as we said, we’re much more interested in the deployment model than
> the exact mechanism and think these details would be excellent working
> group discussion topics over the course of working on this document. (And
> we’ll certainly keep the “Considered Alternatives” section of the explainer
> updated.)
>> Hope that helps,
>> --Richard
>> On Sun, May 5, 2024 at 9:48 PM Dennis Jackson <ietf=
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi David, Devon, Bob,
>>> I feel much of your response talks past the issue that was raised at
>>> IETF 118.
>>> The question we're evaluating is NOT "If we were in a very unhappy world
>>> where governments controlled root certificates on client devices and used
>>> them for mass surveillance, does Trust Expressions make things worse?".
>>> Although Watson observed that the answer to this is at least
>>> 'somewhat', I agree such a world is already maxed at 10/10 on the bad worlds
>>> to live in scale and so it's not by itself a major problem in my view.
>>> The actual concern is: to what extent do Trust Expressions increase the
>>> probability that we end up in this unhappy world of government CAs used for
>>> mass surveillance?
>>> The case made earlier in the thread is that it increases the
>>> probability substantially because it provides an effective on-ramp for
>>> new CAs even if they exist entirely outside of existing root stores.
>>> Websites can adopt such a CA without being completely broken and
>>> unavailable as they would be today. Although I think it's unlikely
>>> anyone would independently do this, it's easy to see a website choosing
>>> to add such a certificate (which is harmless by itself) if a government
>>> incentivized or required it.  Trust Expressions also enables existing
>>> CAs to force-push a cert chain from a new CA to a website,  without the
>>> consent or awareness of the website operator, further enabling the
>>> proliferation of untrusted (and presumably unwanted) CAs.
>>> These features neatly solve the key challenges of deploying a
>>> government CA, which as discussed at length in the thread, are to
>>> achieve enough legitimacy through website adoption to have a plausible case
>>> for enforcing client adoption. The real problem here is that you've
>>> (accidentally?) built a system that makes it much easier to adopt and
>>> deploy any new CA regardless of trust, rather than a system that makes
>>> it easier to deploy & adopt any new *trusted* CA. If you disagree with this
>>> assessment, it would be great to hear your thoughts on why.
>>> Unfortunately, none of the arguments in your email come close to
>>> addressing this point and the text in the draft pretty much tries to
>>> lampshade these problems as a feature.
>>> The other side of this risk evaluation is assessing how effectively
>>> Trust Expressions solves real problems.
>>> Despite a lot of discussion, I've only seen one compelling unsolved
>>> problem which Trust Expressions is claimed to be able to solve. That is
>>> the difficulty large sites have supporting very old clients with
>>> out-of-date root stores (as described by Kyle). This leads to sites
>>> using complex & brittle TLS fingerprinting to decide which certificate
>>> chain to send or to sites using very particular CAs designed to maximize
>>> compatibility (e.g. Cloudflare's recent change).
>>> However, it's unclear how Trust Expressions solves either
>>> fingerprinting or the new trusted root ubiquity challenge. To solve the
>>> former, we're relying on the adoption of Trust Expressions by device
>>> manufacturers who historically have not been keen to adopt new TLS
>>> extensions. For the latter, Trust Expressions doesn't seem to solve
>>> anything. Sites / CDNs are still forced to either have a business
>>> arrangement with a single suitably ubiquitous root or to conclude multiple
>>> such arrangements (which come with considerable baggage) with both new and
>>> ubiquitous roots - in return for no concrete benefit. If we had Trust
>>> Expressions deployed today, how would life be better for LE /
>>> Cloudflare or other impacted parties?
>>> I won't detail them here, but it seems like there are simpler and more
>>> effective alternatives that would address the underlying problem, e.g.
>>> through root stores encouraging cross-signing or offering cross-signing
>>> services themselves and using existing techniques to avoid any impact at
>>> the TLS layer.
>>> I'm struggling to see it being an even partially effective solution for any
>>> of the other proposed use cases. To pick an example you've repeatedly
>>> highlighted, can you clarify how Trust Expressions will speed the
>>> transition to a PQ PKI? Specifically, how much earlier do you expect a
>>> given site to be able to deploy a PQ cert chain in the case of TE adoption
>>> vs without TE adoption (and why)?
>>> David, Devon & Bob wrote:
>>> We acknowledge that achieving this level of agility requires a
>>> significant amount of design and implementation work for web servers,
>>> certificate automation clients/servers, and clients to support, but we 
>>> believe
>>> the improvements called out in some of the discussions on this thread
>>> strongly outweigh these costs [...]
>>> [...] We think this will drastically improve the ability to migrate the
>>> Internet to PQC—not just in terms of a faster timeline, but because
>>> trust anchor agility will enable the community to develop fundamentally
>>> better solutions for authentication, through reduced experimentation
>>> costs
>>> I can completely understand why Trust Expressions seems to bring
>>> substantial benefits to *you*  (as root store operators) but I'm much
>>> less clear on what the benefits are to anybody else on your list and what
>>> incentive they have to do all this work to deploy it. The only
>>> stakeholders that seem to benefit are CAs and I'm quite wary of the
>>> idea that we a) endow them with more centralized control, b) make CAs
>>> easier to create and proliferate, and c) encourage them to specialize in
>>> capturing specific narrow fiefdoms signalled by Trust Expressions - rather
>>> than competing with each other in a unitary-ish WebPKI.
>>> On the other hand, even if it were to prove useful and widely deployed,
>>> I (and others) see a substantial and serious risk that you seem
>>> reluctant to acknowledge or engage with.
>>> Best,
>>> Dennis
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