The Benefactor of the Ball
Va. Man Spends $1 Million on Inaugural Package for Disadvantaged
By Michael E. Ruane
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 4, 2008; A01

It was billed as the biggest, most eye-popping of the inauguration hotel 
packages: the JW Marriott's $1 million "build-your-own-ball" offer. You get 300 
rooms, four suites, $200,000 worth of food and drink, and a primo site 
overlooking the Pennsylvania Avenue parade route.

And it was snapped up within hours of Barack Obama's election as president by a 
customer the hotel declined to identify.

This morning, the Marriott is scheduled to announce that the buyer is a 
Virginia businessman who wants to bring to the inauguration disadvantaged 
people, terminally ill patients, wounded soldiers and others down on their luck.

Earl W. Stafford, 60, of Fairfax County, the founder of a Centreville 
technology company who grew up as one of 12 children of a Baptist minister, 
said he will provide his guests lodging, food and special access, as well as 
beauticians, gowns and tuxedos, if necessary.

Stafford has paid the $1 million, a spokesman said, and is prepared to spend 
$600,000 more for a breakfast, a luncheon and two balls at the hotel. Stafford 
said he hopes to recoup some of the $600,000 from other sponsors, yet to be 

"We wanted to . . . bless those who otherwise wouldn't have an opportunity to 
be a part of the great celebration, the inauguration and the festivities," he 
said in an interview yesterday. "Our objective is to bring in a cross-section 
of society -- those who are distressed, those who are terminally ill, those who 
are socially and economically disadvantaged, those veterans who are wounded and 
served our country."

Stafford said the idea was inspired by his deep religious faith and the good 
fortune that has come his way. The inauguration is an opportunity to remember 
the less fortunate and remind the country of its traditions of benevolence, he 

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