> In the server.xml you can define a new Context that maps between context
> and
> actual directory.
> In the following example calling servlets through
> http://your.company.com/tt/servlet/myservlet
> will launch the servlets from d:/xx/yy/zz/webpages
>       <Context path="/tt" docBase="d:/xx/yy/zz/webpages"
> crossContext="true" debug="0" reloadable="true"  trusted="false"/>
> if you want to call servlets from the server root set the path to "".

I tried that, but it doesn't work :
with the URL http://your.company.com/tt/ I get the tree of the directory

but when I try http://your.company.com/tt/servlet/myservlet
or even http://your.company.com/tt/myservlet
I get a 404 error and I don't understand why.

In the webpages directory, must there be special folders ?
And I wonder if I must put something in the http.conf or in my mod_jk.conf

Please help !!! ;o)
Thanx in advance...

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