
I'm trying to install tomcat as a service.

I have been using JavaService.

It is complaining that it can't find my startup class which is supposed to
Tomcat_Home/bin/boostrap.jar  ( org.apache.Bootstrap ).

I don't have this class.  I tried downloading tomcat again......no dice.

Where can I get it?


Steve Russell

Web Developer III
ValueOptions - Lifescape

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Layman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: Making Tomcat 3.2 A Service On Win 2000 ( using jdk
1.3.0_02 )

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 2:50 PM
> Subject: Re: Making Tomcat 3.2 A Service On Win 2000 ( using jdk
> 1.3.0_02 )
> Are you sure there are no problems with jdk1.3.1?  The main problem I 
> found with 1.3.0 was that it shut down when you logged off. I 
> found the 
> same problem in 1.3.1. The "fix" is to add -Xsa to the execution line 
> that starts Java in Tomcat.

Works for me without any command line fixes.  I thought that the -X option
was added for some of the betas of 1.3.1.  Is it possible that you have an
"older" version of 1.3.1?

> As for making Tomcat a service, I found the jk_nt_service.exe (zipped 
> up) in the jakarta downloads. I thought that was the standard way of 
> making it into a service. Is this what is causing the 
> shutdown problem? 
> ShouldI be using a different method?

You are correct.  The JavaService program does basically the same thing as
jk_nt_service, but it traps the OS signals and doesn't relay them on to the


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