
On the release notes of Tomcat v.4.1.2 the following is stated:

http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/release/v4.1.12/RELEASE-NOTES ]
| --------------------
| JAVAC leaking memory:
| --------------------
| The  Java compiler leaks  memory each  time a  class is  compiled. Web
| applications containing hundreds of JSP  files may as a result trigger
| out  of memory errors  once a  significant number  of pages  have been
| accessed. The  memory can  only be freed  by stopping Tomcat  and then
| restarting it.
| The JSP  command line compiler (JSPC)  can also be  used to precompile
| the JSPs.

Which version (platform) of the JDK is meant here?

Thanks in advance,


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