
>If an HTTP/1.1 server receives an HTTP/1.0 request, it should respond
with >HTTP/1.0. The response will say "HTTP/1.1" because that indicates
the >version that the server is capable of providing, not the version
that it is >using for the response.
>RFC 2145 says "An HTTP server MAY send a lower response version, if it
is >known or suspected that the client incorrectly implements the HTTP
>specification, but this should not be the default, and this SHOULD NOT
be >done if the request version is HTTP/1.1 or greater." You can
probably draw >your own conclusions as to what Tomcat probably does.
>Therefore, if you want Tomcat to respond using HTTP/1.0, send it an
>HTTP/1.0 request.

It's nice to see a researched response.  However, I disagree with it.
RFC 2145 is less relevant here than RFC 2616.  RFC 2616 requires that
HTTP servers always begin their responses with the highest HTTP version
that they claim to support. Therefore, this Connector will always return
HTTP/1.1 at the beginning of its responses.

Either way, the original poster is down a path that will require him/her
- Use old/deprecated connectors
- Customize a connector
- Use an older HTTP/1.0 server.

Yoav Shapira

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