This is going to be hard. Even if renaming the columns ist trouble, it is
probably less trouble than getting torque to work with these column names.
If you cannot change thecolumn names at all, all you can do is runnung your
application and modifying all problematic parts you run into in the torque
source code.


Thoralf Rickert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 11.04.2008 14:38:52:

> Hi,
> Of course the list of problems with mssql doesn't stop...
> I've got now a xml schema from the existing database. Some "lovely boy"
> decided years ago that it would be nice to use spaces inside the column
> of the database scheme. For example: "Time after". This is not a problem
> you use the special syntax "[Time after]" in a select. But I don't have
> kind of access with Torque (prove me wrong, if not). If I try to make a
> Criteria, Torque quits this selection with
> Malformed column name in Criteria getTableName: 'T_Stammdaten.Time after'
> not of the form 'table.column'
> Okay, actually this is an error that doesn't have something to do with
> real problem. Is there a way to setup a database specific syntax for
> names. So in MySQL it would be "`" or in MSSQL/Sybase it would be "[" and
> Additionally - I think the "torque" task that generates the classes
> escape the spaces if it uses the database column names to generate column

> constants (currently it produces
> public static String TIME AFTER = "...".
> Has somebody an idea, how to get around this problem?
> Bye
> Thoralf

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