On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 09:46:12PM -0700, jeetu wrote:
> I tried using colModel values but I am not able to get the total_sales 
> visible. 
> pager_options = {
>         "colModel": [{ "name": "name"}, {"name":"total_sales"}],
>         "colNames":["name", "total_sales"],
> }
> Or do I have to literally override the colModel?

Literally overriding it is what I had in mind.  If you see
:meth:`_get_metadata` here:  http://bit.ly/QSrnEg  It uses
:meth:`_make_model` across only the properties.  If you override
cls.colModel with your own custom list of dicts, the widget would use
yours instead of building its own.

Alternatively, you could override :meth:`_get_properties` to return
all the properties plus a reference to "total_sales".  Then the widget
should (hopefully) build its own colModel including your computed
column.  See here for _get_properties -> http://bit.ly/QSs8gA

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