dood wrote: 
> If you are happy with the sound of your set up with a different source,
> eg CD player, then the problem is not your amp or speakers. In that case
> an external DAC will make the most difference, certainly more than power
> suppiles, cables etc.

Possibly. However, I have three Touches. One outputs to an external DAC.
Two use the Touch internal DAC. If anything, the internal DAC tends to
tame both frequency extremes. Since the OP complains of sound that is
too bright and 'digital', it is unlikely that an external DAC will help.
it's also quite doubtful that a different power supply will help, for
the same reason.

But we all listen for different clues and to different kinds of music,
so it's certainly worth a try if the OP can borrow a good DAC. Nothing
like listening with one's own ears!

Guido F.

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