dopo la traduzione aggiungo l'originale...

On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 11:54:44AM +0200, Francesca Ciceri wrote:
> <!-- Observatory popup window -->
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Dettagli e informazioni sulla 
> privacy">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Chiedimelo più tardi">
> <!ENTITY "No">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere può rilevare attacchi
> contro il tuo browser inviando i certificati che ricevi all'
> Osservatorio.  Abilitare questa funzione?">
> <!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
> "EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
> and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
> to turn it on?">-->
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
> "Si desidera che HTTPS Everywhere usi l'Osservatorio SSL?">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Sì">
> <!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
> "È consigliato abilitare questa funzione, a meno che non si utilizzi una rete 
> aziendale molto intrusiva:">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
> "Consigliato, a meno che non si utilizzi una rete aziendale con nomi server 
> intranet segreti:">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
> "Invia e controlla certificati firmati da CA root non standard">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
> "È una buona idea abilitare questa opzione, a meno che non si utilizzi una 
> rete aziendale intrusiva o l'antivirus Kaspersky che monitora la tua 
> navigazione con un proxy TLS e una Certificate Authority root privata.  Se 
> viene abilitata in quel caso, questa opzione può pubblicare prove evidenti su 
> quali domini https:// sono stati visitati attraverso quel proxy, a causa dei 
> certificati unici che produrrebbe.  Per questo la lasciamo disabilitata in 
> partenza.">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Controlla i certificati usando Tor 
> per l'anonimato">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
> "Controlla i certificati usando Tor per l'anonimato (necessita di Torbutton)">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
> "Questa opzione necessita che Tor e Torbutton siano installati">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
> "Quando trovi un certificato nuovo, comunica all'Osservatorio a quale ISP sei 
> connesso">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
> "Recupera e invia il &quot;numero di Sistema Autonomo&quot; della tua rete.  
> Questo ci aiuterà a localizzare gli attacchi contro HTTPS e a determinare se 
> abbiamo osservazioni provenienti da reti in luoghi come Iran e Siria dove gli 
> attacchi sono relativamente comuni.">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Fatto">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
> "HTTPS Everywhere può usare l'Osservatorio SSL di EFF.  Questo fa due cose: 
> (1)
> invia copie dei certificati HTTPS all'Osservatorio per aiutarci ad 
> individuare attacchi &quot;man in the middle&quot; e migliorare la sicurezza 
> del Web; e (2)
> ci consente di metterti in guardia da connessioni non sicure o attacchi al 
> tuo browser.">
> <!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
> "When you visit, the Observatory will learn that
> somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
> Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
> "Ad esempio, quando visiti, il certificato
> ricevuto dall' Osservatorio indicherà che qualcuno ha visitato
>, ma non chi ha visitato il sito, o quale particolare pagina
> ha visto.  Passa sopra le opzioni con il mouse per maggiori dettagli:">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Nascondi le opzioni avanzate">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
> "Controlla i certificati anche se Tor non è disponibile">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
> "Cercheremo comunque di mantenere i dati anonimi, ma questa opzione è meno 
> sicura">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
> "Invia e controlla certificati per nomi DNS non pubblici">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
> "A meno che questa opzione sia selezionata, l'Osservatorio non registrerà i 
> certificati per nomi che non può risolvere attraverso il sistema DNS.">
> <!ENTITY "Mostra le opzioni avanzate">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "Preferenze Osservatorio SSL">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Usare l'Osservatorio?">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "AVVISO dall'Osservatorio SSL di EFF">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Mostra la catena di certificati">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Capisco">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "L'Osservatorio SSL di EFF ha emesso un 
> avviso sul(i) certificato(i) HTTPS di questo sito:">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "Se hai effettuato l'accesso a 
> questo sito, può essere consigliabile cambiare la password appena hai una 
> connessione sicura.">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
> "Invia e controlla certificati autofirmati">
> <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
> "

<!-- Observatory popup window -->
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
<!ENTITY "No">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
Observatory.  Turn this on?">

<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
to turn it on?">-->

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">

<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
intrusive corporate network:">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an 
intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your 
browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled 
on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains 
were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it 
would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for 
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are 
connected to">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your 
network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine 
whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where 
attacks are comparatively common.">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">

<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
"When you visit, the Observatory will learn that
somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
Mouseover the options for further details:">-->

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2

"For example, when you visit, the certificate
received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates 
for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">

<!ENTITY "Show advanced options">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a 
warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it 
may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection.">

<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in 
self-signed embedded devices">
"Zombies don't kill: they recruit"
Braids, dementia summoner 
(Zombie Assassin card, Odyssey set, Magic: The Gathering)

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature


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