on 4/19/00 2:03 PM, Mark Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> A couple of things. Firstly, I have been working with Turbine over the
> last few days in the hopes that it would solve some problems for an
> upcoming project. It looks like I might be able to 'kill two birds with
> one stone'. In addition to an app framework, I'm also looking for a
> object-relational/persistance framework. The app framework seems like a
> 'no-brainer' (it looks GREAT!) to me but I had some questions about the
> persistance stuff. There seems to be a couple of approaches within
> Turbine. What is the status of OPAL?
> As near as I can tell, its an
> implementation of Scott Ambler's paper "The Design of a Robust
> Persistence Layer for Relational Databases" (Paper is actually mentioned
> in the comments). This struck me immediately, as one option for us
> was/is to implement based on this paper as well. I notice that OPAL is
> listed in the TODO list with no takers as of yet!?! Is anyone currently
> working with it or are there plans to continue work on it or will one of
> the other methods move ahead in this area?

It isn't complete. The original authors have stopped working on it. George
felt like to finish it, it should become a commercial project so he stopped.
Oh well. Feel free to finish it. I think that Scott (the other person
working on it) got frustrated because he couldn't get CVS to work right for

> How are people currently
> managing the persistance layer?

Does it really matter?

> Secondly, is there a JDK level requirement for Turbine? I didnt notice
> any such requirment in the docs (could have missed it though) yet I've
> not been able to successfully build it under JDK117/8. I'm using IBM's
> JDK for both NT and Linux. Seems to be purrfectly happy under Suns
> JDK1.2.2 on either platform. Any hints?

We support 1.1 and higher until there is better support for 1.2 on all

> In 'payment' for some answers to my queries, I'd like to offer a
> documentation patch for install.txt. (Not much I know ;o)  ). It seems
> to be written based on an early version of Tomcat. This patch should
> bring the instructions up to speed with the current release (v3.1).
> Turbine seems to be running happily on both NT and Linux under Tomcat.

That is great! You are also now contributor #20.


Someone suggested privately to me to give out rewards for contributor
#'s...I really like that idea...any suggestions on what those rewards could
be and how we could assign them? I don't think that I would want to tell
people what the reward is until they become a contributor in order to
encourage people not to wait until a "good reward" comes along. I would also
be worried about people saying "my reward wasn't as good as his/her
reward!"...so, they would have to be something of no real monetary value.


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