
I have a suggestion for the FAQ.
I think that we could improve its usefulness with the
addition of Troubleshooting sections.
This would map concrete error messages which appear
in the log files to causes.  This would help people
locate their problem more easily and find all of the
causes which might have been behind the error.

I had created such a section in the FAQ for

   Troubleshooting - Building Turbine

and added an entry for the error which I encountered
over the weekend

   java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Unimplemented interface method

Then I entered the cause of the error and the fix
(which Dave Bryson brought to our attention recently).

I normally wouldn't announce an addition to the FAQ like
this, but I noticed that when I began to do this very
thing on the weekend, my FAQ entry was removed.

If this is not a good idea, could someone let me know?
Then I won't bother clogging up the FAQ with entries
which are not appropriate.


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