On Sat, 06 May 2000, you wrote:
> on 5/6/2000 5:45 PM, dave bryson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Cool!  Along these same lines, what about a way for template authors to
> > specify required fields.  Maybe some type of object in the context that
> > could be used.
> >
> > Like this: <input type="text" name="$required("fname")">
> > then Turbine could have a standard way of dealing with this.
> > 
> > Sorry to get of track from your suggestion, you just got me thinking.
> That is a very interesting idea, although not entirely necessary because you
> will find out quickly enough if you are missing anything. :-)

The value added would be a message to the user of what fields are
missing and resetting the fields already completed. Really just frill.

> BTW, I'm just about in testing phase of this thing ActionEvent thing...it is
> like less than 30 lines of code and very easy to follow! I tested it with a
> main() and it is working beautifully. Now just have to plug it into the
> system and off we go.

This is great - can't wait to try it! I'm so jazzed about where this
whole thing is going!

Prediction: Turbine will be a JDJ product of the year!  You heard it
first here.

We need a good JavaWorld article. Any writers out there?

< your inspirational quote here > 

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