On Thu, 18 May 2000, you wrote:
> On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 11:08:57PM -0500, dave bryson wrote:
> >  - A Data Object template that contains all the fixed/duplicated code 
> > that you normally have in a class that extends BaseObject and
> > talks to the Peer.  This class would include a method such as save().
> And get/set methods for the attributes, no?

> Yeah - I was thinking of doing it this way as well. The disadvantage is that
> the interface onto your business object is split across two classes, making
> it harder to consult as a reference. Mind you generate the javadoc and the
> DO class is just a click away :)

I don't really see this as a problem. I like the ability to update all
my Peer & DO classes when/if my schema changes without mucking up any
Business logic I may have already written. To me, this is worth the

> Do you have any plans to handle relations in the generated business objects?
> Either along the lines that Jeff mentions (simulating a join in the business
> object) or by providing a getXXX method for any associated classes. E.g. to
> take another scarab example, can you say something like 
>   Vector components = issue.getComponents();
> Where issue is of class IssueDO or a subclass.

Not currently. But once I get this preliminary stuff working, I
may look at that.  I'm racing to meet a deadline at work, so everthing
it not as far along as I'd like it to be right now.  

Thanks for the input.
< your inspirational quote here > 

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