On Sat, 08 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> A lot of people have talked about a bundled version of Tomcat with
> various Apache projects.  The Jetspeed/Turbine/Cocoon/Tomcat bundle is
> the most comprehensive (although I am still working on it).

Is this one bundle? Can you point me to where you started on it (is it
in CVS )?
> At the very least we should share our build scripts.  

>Hmmm... seems like
> we could pool resources... if it is worth it.

Although we could kinda "standardize" how we bundle things together
and share scripts etc... I think it may be still best to have a separate
"kit" for each product. Just to keep things simple. But I'm all for
pooling resources.

I've also thought about a slightly customized version of Ant that
contains some custom Tasks specific to these kits. 

One thing I really want to add that all the above could share is a
Servlet debugger integrated into the customized version of Tomcat.  It
would use a Servlet for displaying request/response data while your
testing your Servlet/application. 


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