> Castor 0.8.8
> <citation>
> The recent changes in JDO caused problems for the users of CastorService of
> Turbine servlet
> framework since the following code now doesn't work:

I just finished stubbing in the code to fix this. However, I'm hesitant to
replace the current Castor jar with one built from CVS, mostly because I have no
way of testing for any ill side-effects. If someone who uses the CastorService
wishes to un-comment the code (which is limited to
src/java/org/apache/turbine/services/castor/TurbineCastorService.java) and test
it for correctness, I'd re-consider. Else, I'll just wait until Castor 0.8.9 is

> Thanks,
> PLESK Technical Contact
> Rostislav Beloff

Christopher Elkins

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