FYI everyone,

I'm not sure if this has been sent out on the list before, but here's a
little comparison of Turbine to some other MVC frameworks.

Here's the main statement I object to:

   " The project scope seems somewhat overbroad, however, resembling 
   a cluttered collection of sometimes not-so-related tools."

Obviously, he hasn't built an application with Turbine before :-)!

I will admit, that Turbine has grown considerably over the past 6 months
or so and it's hard to keep your head around all the cool features it
offers.  If you're not careful, and don't stay up with the API, you can
find yourself re-inventing some functionality that already exists in the

It's worth your time to spend a few hours a week looking at
the cool little utilities such as SecurityCheck , SelectorBox, Mail
stuff, DB stuff, etc...  It can definitley save you some time in the long

As a sidenote, I think it's time for us to start collecting a list of
companies that have deployed Turbine. This may help those that are trying
to sell Turbine to mangement.  Also, a good write up in something like
JavaWorld would be very cool...any writers in the audience?

Dave Bryson

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