+1 for me !
At least I don't have to add $data.getUser().getSessionAccessCounter() into
the templates.
Will this only affect screens that have form elements ?
The other potential problem I may see is that some pages may not want this
feature at all (although I can't think of one though!).

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sean Legassick
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 7:08 AM
To: Turbine
Subject: Re: _session_access_counter

On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 07:04:01PM -0800, Keng Wong wrote:
> Can anyone enlighten me on how to use the _session_access_counter on a
> ?

What I'd like to do (coincidentally enough I was just thinking about
this yesterday) is add support for _session_access_counter to
DynamicURI. So if a property in TR.props was switched on, DynamicURI
would add the session access counter to the URI's path info

Any thoughts/objections/obvious problems?

(If I did this then you would just have to switch on the property

Sean Legassick
      this.setAnimal(new Man()); try { Humanity.anyAction(); } catch
      SurpriseException e { System.err.println("This should never happen!");
      e.printStackTrace(); }

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