> Jason asked me about this a while back and I just started to 
> dig through the
> code again and noticed that my name is in some author tags 
> for things I
> _know_ I didn't write!
> My best guess is somehow my name got stuffed in the tags when 
> someone - I can't
> remember who - did the big license/code format thing a while ago.

This would be me...

> I know this may sound trivial, but I just wanted to set the 
> record straight
> that I'm not trying to take credit for things I didn't code!

The algorithm I used to put author tags into files that had
none was to simply do a cvs log, check who did the initial
check-in and attribute the file to them. I know this is far
from perfect, but I had no other way to fathom the real author.

> Dave Bryson

Gonzalo A. Diethelm

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