On 07/12/06, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for that Frank. When a data object has an XSD based type is there
are way of getting all of it's properties which the XSD  says are

This is where it gets a bit ugly. It's ok if you know what the attribute
names are as you can just do a getXXX("attribute_name") but if you are
dealing with an object whose type you do not know you would have to iterate
through the instance properties and do a getXXX for each one that
prop.isAttribute() is true.

Easy... except we don't have that prop.isAttribute() method in C++. We have
an internal way of determining this but that is not currently exposed in our
API. I really do not like these methods being on XSDHelper as they are in
Java. IMO it is simpler and more logical to have these as attributes of the



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