On 22/12/06, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Andrew Borley wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was looking to put together another "real-world" sample for SCA C++,
> using Sebastien's REST support to invoke the Yahoo REST services.
> Unfortunately, this won't currently work due to how we support
> arguments - currently they're indexed purely by number.
> The Yahoo REST services need an HTTP GET call like:
> If we have the Yahoo service configured in a SCA reference using the
> REST binding and then call webSearch("YahooDemo", "Tuscany", 2) on a
> SCA reference object in some component code, the HTTP GET call
> generated is:
> In another example, if we want to use a SOAP service which has a
> request schema containing a bunch of non-required elements like:
> <xs:element name="myMethod">
>  <xs:complexType>
>     <xs:sequence>
>       <xs:element name="anArgument" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/>
>       <xs:element name="anotherArgument" minOccurs="0"
>       <xs:element name="lastArgument" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/>
>     </xs:sequence>
>  </xs:complexType>
> </xs:element>
> And this is again configured as an SCA reference (using the WS
> binding). A component calling this operation would have to call
> myMethod("", "", "some data") - which would mean the first 2 elements
> get sent in the SOAP message with empty data (rather than being left
> out completely) and only the "lastArgument" element would contain
> anything useful. Doing this may also cause errors at the server as
> elements are received without any data to work on.
> I think we can fix these case pretty easily (in some circumstances) by
> adding a parameter name index to the tuscany::sca::core::Operation
> object - so parameters have a number and an optional name. For scagen
> generated C++ proxy objects, the parameter names can be based on those
> provided by the header and set inside the proxy. For Python you can
> use named arguments when calling methods like myMethod(
> lastArgument="someData" ) or webSearch(appid="YahooDemo",
> query="Tuscany", results=2). I don't think Ruby supports named
> arguments, but there may be ways of using a Ruby dictionary object to
> do this.
> If the Operation object passed to the ws or rest bindings contains
> named arguments we can  use them in creating the right SOAP message or
> HTTP call.
> Any thoughts on this? Is it worth doing?
> Cheers
> Andy
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Yes, you're right it's important to support named arguments specially
with REST. Very good idea!




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