Hi Karen, 

if I have a file called foo.py =

def la()
   return "la"

x = 15

I can do the following in bar.py =

import foo    #Notice there's no .py extension!

j = foo.la()
print j
print foo.x

> la
> 15

Hope that helps

Liam Clarke

On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 14:40:06 +0100, Karen Leever
> Hello,
> I've been writing some small python programs that basically do function
> analysis on the (x,y) output of a fortran code called COBRA.
> The COBRA output (basin.out) is the shape of a flexed beam, of which I
> calculate the 0-crossing, x and y of max. amplitude, and cross sectional
> area between function and y=0.
> I managed to make python calculate these things, so it actually works. No
> problems there.
> However, I'd like to make the format a bit more elegant. Each python
> program consists of several components, some of which occur in each of the
> programs. These components comprise: (1) reading the COBRA output file and
> write the contents to an array, (2) reading a second COBRA output file for
> reference values. See below for an example.
> How can I refer in my programs to these components without actually
> incorporating them in the program?
> I don't see how I could define them as functions.
> And "import 'component'.py" does not work either: I tried this but it will
> not recognize the array arr_xy (defined in 'component'.py) later on.
> thanks for suggestion or reference,
> Karen
> example of (1):
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> #this part of the program reads the file basin.out (the data we want to
> analyze) and changes its contents to the array arr_xy
> #layout of basin.out:
> #1  -950.00    10.00 200        > this line contains start, interval and
> number of x values;
> #    0.000000E+00               > remainder is a column of y values
> #   -1.931787E-07
> #   -5.713295E-07
> #   -9.322559E-07
> #   -1.071361E-06
> #   -7.801342E-07
> #    .....
> import re
> #open the (x,y) output file
> cobra_xy_file = open('/home/tecguest/leek/Suncobra/Screen/basin.out')
> #read first line and change it to a list so it can be read by the program
> firstline = cobra_xy_file.readline()
> p = re.compile(r'\s+')
> list = p.split(firstline)
> #from the list defined above, x-values have to be calculated.
> #the list contains strings that are converted to integers before they can
> be used in further calculations
> start = int(float(list[1]))
> interval = int(float(list[2]))
> n = int(float(list[3]))
> stop = start + n*interval
> arr_x = range(start, stop, interval)    #the calculated x-values are stored
> in 1D array arr_x (note, fake array, is really a list)
> #the list of calculated x values, together with the y values in the
> cobra_xy_file have to be put in an array: arr_xy
> #first define the new array:
> arr_xy = []
> #then fill the array with the x and y values:
> for i in range(0, len(arr_x)):
>      sub_arr_xy = []
>      sub_arr_xy.append(arr_x[i])
>      sub_arr_xy.append(float(cobra_xy_file.readline()))
>      arr_xy.append(sub_arr_xy)
> #print 'These are the first values from the x,y file:'
> #print arr_xy[:5]
> #print
> cobra_xy_file.close
> --------------------------------------------------------
>  >>> please note new phone and fax number <<<
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Karen Leever
> Department of Tectonics
> Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences
> Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
> De Boelelaan 1085
> 1081 HV Amsterdam
> The Netherlands
> tel: +31 20 598 7278
> fax: +31 20 598 9943
> ----------------------------------------------------
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> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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