You could start with an anonymous function using the lambda operator, such as:


mid_range = lambda x: x[len(x) // 2]

Note: If you use len(x) / 2 in python 3.x you will get a TypeError because the 
division operator / returns a float. Floor // returns an int in 2.x and 3.x.

Then use either:

x = range(1000, 4001)
mid_x = mid_range(x) # mid_x == 2500


mid_x = mid_range(range(500, 751)) # mid_x == 625

etc. to retrieve the middle element.

You can extract the mid point of any sequence type, such as a string, using 
this function.

mid_x = mid_range(‘12345678987654321’) # mid_x == ‘9’


middle_number = lambda lo, hi: abs(lo - hi) // 2

will work if you just need the mid point of two numbers; either ints or floats.

mid_x = middle_number(0, 1000) # mid_x = 500


On Jul 27, 2011, at 8:16 PM, Alexander Quest wrote:

> Does anyone know how to assign a certain numerical range to a variable, and 
> then choose the number that is the middle of that range? For example, I want 
> to assign the variable "X" a range between 1 and 50, and then I want to have 
> the middle of that range (25) return with some command when I call it 
> (perhaps rangemid or something like that?). In pseudocode, I am trying to say 
> X = range [1,50], return middle of range (which should return 25) but I don't 
> know how to code it. This is for a basic program I'm trying to write where 
> the player thinks of a number and the computer tries to guess the number in 
> as few tries as possible. Thanks for any help!
> -Alex
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