Good afternoon,

I am using TYPO3 4.5.29 and I built a new extension in Extbase to show all my projects in a list. After building the model, the TCA, the classes and everything, I want a filter to show the projects list without rendering the page again.
For that purpose, I use "eID" method.
I added to "ext_localconf.php" the eID class, that is pi based (extends tslib_pibase), I added the Javascript to load content that this class outputs through the main() method.
But now the thing is I would like to render the output in a Fluid template.

My doubts:
1) Is it possible to achieve this?
2) Is it possible to call through eID to a class method that extends Extbase instead of pi-based? I would like to inject, for example, my project repository to be able to call fluid viewhelpers like {f:link.action} and {f:image} through fields of every project record.

Thanks in advance,

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