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From: Ssemakula <james_ssemak...@yahoo.com>
To: buganda...@listserv.tamu.edu
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 8:43 PM
Subject: Wikileaks: ACCU Director's life threatened for revealing corrupt 
official, i.e. Mbabazi, Mu7

Reference ID
10KAMPALA13  2010-01-07 11:36  2011-08-30 01:44  CONFIDENTIAL  Embassy Kampala  
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 KAMPALA 000013 
E.O. 12958: DECL: 2020/01/07 
CLASSIFIED BY: Aaron Sampson, Pol/Econ Chief, State, Pol/Econ; 
REASON: 1.4(B), (D) ¶1. (C) Summary: The Director of the Anti-Corruption 
Uganda (ACCU), Jasper Tumuhimbise, went into hiding in late 
December after publishing a "Fame and Shame" booklet on government 
corruption. Funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation's (MCC) 
anti-corruption threshold program, ACCU's booklet is a public 
perception survey in which Security Minister and National 
Resistance Movement (NRM) Secretary General Amama Mbabazi was perceived as 
Uganda's most corrupt public official. Tumuhimbise 
went into hiding after he and ACCU staff received threatening 

telephone calls and a visit from security personnel seeking 
information on the ACCU's international donors. On December 24, 
Tumuhimbise told PolOff that security forces followed him from the 
eastern town of Soroti to Kampala.  He blames Mbabazi for the 
intimidation of ACCU staff. End Summary. 
ACCU's Book of Fame and Shame ----------------------------------------- ¶2. (U) 
The ACCU is a coalition of approximately 60 local 
anti-corruption organizations. In 2009, the ACCU received 
approximately $25,000 in MCC funds to survey local perceptions of 
government corruption, publish an annual book of "Fame and Shame", 
and initiate an anti-corruption activist of the year award.  The 
ACCU says the booklet is intended to praise anti-corruption 
"heroes" and force "the shamed persons to reflect on themselves; 
the institutions they serve; their country and their level of 
patriotism." Of the 1,772 survey
 respondents, 30% identified 
Security Minister Mbabazi as Uganda's most corrupt public official 
due to his role in the 2008 Temangalo land scandal that cost the National 
Social Security Fund approximately $6 million (ref. A). President Museveni 
placed second on the list of shame, with 21% the vote, for failing to hold 
Mbabazi, Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa, and senior National Resistance Movement 
(NRM) leaders accountable for corruption. Other "shamed" NRM officials include 
Trade Minister Kahinda Otafiire, Public Works Minister John Nasasira, and 
former Health Ministers Mike Mukula and Jim Muhwezi. ¶3. (U) Museveni also made 
the ACCU's list of fame "as an unwavering 
freedom fighter and anti-corruption activist." Disgraced 
ex-Inspector General of Government Faith Mwondha, opposition figure 
Norbert Mao, and First Lady Janet Museveni topped the fame list. 
Survey respondents also positively perceived Ethics and Integrity 
Minister Nsaba Buturo, who is
 one of the most vocal proponents of 
Uganda's draft anti-homosexuality legislation, for "his 
outspokenness against corruption."  Minister Buturo presided over 
the booklet's launching ceremony. The ACCU selected James Ogoola, 
Principal Judge of the High Court of Uganda, as the Anti-Corruption 
Activist of the Year for 2009. 
--------------------------------------------- ------------------- 
The "Shamed" Self-Incriminate Themselves Further 
--------------------------------------------- ------------------- ¶4. (C) On 
December 19, Mbabazi criticized the ACCU's booklet and 
called Tumuhimbise an "idiot" on a local radio program. On December 
21, Mbabazi's niece, Susan Katono, emailed a document criticizing 
the ACCU's motives, methodology and findings to EconOff. Katono 
compiled the document from comments sent to her by senior 
government officials with the understanding that she would forward 
the information to the U.S. Mission. Katono
 indicated that Minister 
Mbabazi and other NRM leaders were unhappy with the booklet. ¶5. (C) On 
December 23, local media reported that Tumuhimbise was in 
hiding, that ACCU staff were receiving threatening phone calls, and 
that security officials questioned ACCU employees on the 
organization's sources of funding. Tumuhimbise confirmed this 
KAMPALA 00000013  002 OF 002 
information to PolOff on December 24, adding that he left Kampala 
on the advice of friends only to return after discovering that 
security services were shadowing him upcountry as well. Tumuhimbise 
said a security vehicle tailed him from the eastern town of Soroti 
back to Kampala. Having spearheaded the ACCU's lawsuit against the 
NSSF over Mbabazi's Temangalo land scandal in 2008, Tumuhimbise 
said he is accustomed to menacing phone calls, but that being 
followed by a security services vehicle is new. Tumuhimbise added 
that he is using a different telephone out of fear
 that Ugandan 
security is tracking his regular cell phone. 
 --------------------------------------------- ------ 
Comment: Treating Critics Like Criminals 
--------------------------------------------- ------ ¶6. (C) Under Mbabazi's 
leadership, it appears Ugandan security 
services spend the majority their time tracking opposition leaders 
and critics of the NRM. While the ACCU's analytical methodology was 
not the most advanced, its list of shame accurately captured public 
perceptions of Uganda's most corrupt government officials. 
Mbabazi's apparent response - tasking security services to hound 
ACCU employees - interferes with a USG funded organization's 
attempt to improve government transparency and reduce public sector 
corruption. As the ACCU's most shamed public figure, Mbabazi is 
living up to expectations. 

Uganda: Fame And Shame Book a Good Start
9 December 2009

Over the years, a lot of resources have been dedicated to the fight against 
corruption in Uganda. The number of anti-corruption institutions have also 
multiplied but the vice has instead been galloping far ahead of these efforts.
It is possible that Ugandans have either accepted corruption as a way of life 
or feel too powerless without unmasking the veil of corruption in putting faces 
and real people to the unavailable public services or shoddy delivery where an 
attempt has been made.
Like the media, anti-corruption agencies are running out of means on how to 
package the corruption message that will project it in the clearest manner as 
the most abhorable and shameful practice that it is.
As part of efforts to mark the world Anti-Corruption Day yesterday, the 
Anti-Corruption Coalition of Uganda (ACCU) published - for the first time in 
the history of Uganda and in its fight against corruption - a book aptly titled 
the Book of Fame and Shame. The book captures public perceptions on the persons 
Ugandans think are the most corrupt and those they think to be champions of the 
fight against corruption.
It is interesting to note that some names appear on both lists as persons 
Ugandans believe not to have done enough to fight corruption while at the same 
time, others consider the same individuals as champions of the corruption fight.
Such a finding is critical. Until Ugandans begin feeling the embarrassment of 
their actions, redemption will be difficult. Years of turmoil that brought 
death and blood to young innocent eyes for long, general neglect and its 
associated impact on service delivery, a high or low moral standing typical of 
African traditional cultural values, have been compromised.
Hopefully, the efforts of ACCU, with support from other anti-corruption 
institution, will bring Ugandans back on track. If leaders are concerned about 
their moral values as public figures, and the general population moves to shun 
the corrupt, then rays of hope will emerge.

Uganda: Fame, Shame And Naming Museveni
14 December 2009

Nairobi — The vanguard of the war on corruption last week took an audaciously 
bold step by naming Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni as protecting corrupt 
public officials in the country's first ever public perception survey on 
The haemorrhaging of taxpayers' funds through corruption is well documented.
At least $600 million -- half the budget of the Works Ministry, which is in 
charge of the roads sector -- is lost annually in fraudulent tenders alone.
A lot more is bled away in direct bribes and kickbacks.
That is alarming, but not surprising, as many Ugandans know that these deals 
are sanctioned from above.
Of course, the president's name has always been bandied about but only in 
whispers; no publication has dared to name and shame the country's Fountain of 
But according to the 'Book of Fame and Shame' released by the Anti Corruption 
Coalition of Uganda, the president is perceived to protect officials who are 
persistently disgraced in graft scandals.
The line-up of the corrupt in the survey, conducted between January and 
November 2008, reads like a who's who of the ruling party -- from its officials 
to Cabinet ministers, Members of Parliament, resident district commissioners 
and heads of parastatals who are known supporters of Museveni's party -- a 
serous indictment considering that the survey's respondents were drawn from 
government institutions and the general public.
However, the Coalition's survey also names officials who are perceived to be 
And bizarrely enough, Museveni's name makes this list as well.
The president's commitment is brought into question by the ongoing CHOGM probe, 
in which the taxpayer bled over $200 million.
download the book here
James Ssemakula
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